Shall I pour for you madam?” he asks. It is an appropriate question and yet he makes it sound like a scorching proposal… “Mmmm, please,” is all I manage in reply. I watch him filling the crystal flutes one at a time. He is meticulous and seem...
Blindly reaching out for his bottle of Madame Beffy’s Headache Tonic, he knocked over a vase filled with glass marbles. They fell to the floor with a great clatter. As he watched them bouncing and skittering across the floor, he had an unexpected t...
Later in the week Mr Knox's Annie bicycled over to see Stoker and ask her to waive the lien which she had on her sister's services, as they would be required for the weekend. 'She's having dinner at half-past eight on Saturday,' said Annie, when seat...
There are all sorts of different families, Katie. Some families have one mommy, some families have one daddy, or two families. And some children live with their uncle or aunt. Some live with their grandparents, and some children live with foster pare...
Dallas: [the ladies of the Law and Order League are running Dallas out of town; Doc Boone is being thrown out by his landlady] Doc, haven't I any right to live? What have I done? Dr. Josiah Boone: We're the victims of a foul disease called social pre...
Ah benim Dündar öğretmenim! Ah benim gazetelerim, liselerim, kaymakamlarım, babalarım, ağabeylerim, kâh Alman, kâh Amerikan kılıklı askerlerim, çocuk yüzlü halkevlerim, ‘ Bir Türk bir dünyaya bedel’lerim, marşlarım, heykellerim,...
As I am still on duty at this moment, is there anything else I can do for you?” he continues. Images of him kissing me, disrobing me and fondling my entire body fill my mind… I push them away, although I know my face has coloured at the thought. ...
By nature independent, gay, even exuberant, seductively responsive and given to those spontaneous sallies that sparkle in the conversation of certain daughters of Paris who seem to have inhaled since childhood the pungent breath of the boulevards lad...
We can't give you any further information," the fairies replied. "Be satisfied, madam, with the assurance that your daughter will be happy." She thanked them very much and did not forget to give them many presents. Although the fairies were quite ric...
Quanto a Emma, non si chiedeva se lo amasse. Ella credeva che l'amore dovesse arrivare all'improvviso, con fragori e folgori; uragano dei cieli che cade sulla vita, la sconvolge, strappa via le volontà come foglie, e trascina all'abisso il cuore int...
Stupid women were lured into it and assured they would become young and beautiful if they let themselves be pummeled and pounded and smeared with sticky creams, and have their faces lifted and their stomachs flattened. They paid a lot of money to Mad...
Queen Mary: Why will you not confess your crimes against me? Elizabeth: Because, Your Majesty, I have committed none. Queen Mary: You speak with such sincerity. I see you are still a consummate actress. My husband is gone. They have poisoned my child...
Countess of Rothes: [coming out of her stateroom with a confused look on her face; sees a steward and stops him] Excuse me, why have the engines stopped? I felt a shudder. Steward #1: [calmly] I shouldn't worry, madam. We've likely thrown a propeller...
Robert Hitchins: [deleted scene] C'mon, pull! Pull! Smith: [Over brass megaphone] Come back! Come back to the ship! Boat 6, come back to the ship! Molly Brown: [to other rowers] Stop! We have to go back! Robert Hitchins: No. The suction will pull us ...
Mortimer Brewster: [on the telephone] Yes, operator, I'd like the Happy Dale Sanatorium, Happy Dale, New York. Come on, operator, what's taking so long? They're just across the river. I could swim it faster! No, I don't want the Happy Dale Laundry. I...
You, my child, will marry well. More than once." (...) The lady retrieved the cards and shuffled them back together into one stack in an attitude of dismissal. Taking this as a sign her fortune was complete, Preshea stood. Looking particularly please...
Have you never known a cruel wind? What an easy, balmy, tropical life you must have! I never tease, madam! I coax, I beguile, I stomp, I throw tantrums, and for certain, I — I am the Coldest and Harshest of all the Harsh Airs! I am the shiver of th...
Though Charles II both craved and enjoyed female companionship till the end of his life, there is no question that by the cold, rainy autumn of 1682 his physical appetites had diminshed considerably. The Duchess of Portsmouth was, after all, more tha...
At the bottom of her heart, however, she was waiting for something to happen. Like shipwrecked sailors, she turned despairing eyes upon the solitude of her life, seeking afar off some white sail in the mists of the horizon. She did not know what this...
There's blood pounding through the Duke's head. Knighthood is glory, he's thinking, not just grace in the saddle and at swordplay, but courage enough to give your life to defend what you hold dear. A noble reward, for noble men. A badge of honour. He...
Indeed, for my own part, though I have been repeatedly told by persons for whom I have the greatest respect, that Miss Brown is an insignificant chit, and Mrs. White has nothing but her petit minois chiffonne, and Mrs. Black has not a word to say for...