I know, Ma. I'm a-tryin'. But them deputies- Did you ever see a deputy that didn't have a fat ass? An' they waggle their ass an' flop their gun aroun'. Ma", he said, "if it was the law they was workin' with, why we could take it. But it ain't the law...
Clarissa Saunders: They're not letting what Jeff says get printed in the state. Now if I give you a raft of it over the phone, can you print it up and spread a billion copies? Swell! Get ready to take this down, Mrs. Smith. Ma Smith: Boys, everything...
She scarcely spoke at all and might have been one of those huge dolls which, when inclined backwards, say "Ma-ma" or "Pa-pa": though impossible to imagine in any position so undignified as that required for the mechanism to produce these syllables.
[just getting into his hotel room, the phone rings and its his mother on the other line] Korben's Mother: You miserable bastard! I never should've pushed you out. Korben Dallas: Ma? Korben's Mother: Oh, so you don't know you won a trip to Fhloston Pa...
Goodbye, Room." I wave up at Skylight. "Say goodbye," I tell Ma. "Goodbye, Room." Ma says it but on mute. I look back one more time. It's like a crater, a hole where something happened. Then we go out the door.
My ma and pa are both very artistic, so I suppose it's in my blood. But my ma's the one who was into theater and such. I owe my love of it to her. If she didn't drag me to small community workshops when I was a wee little lad or exposed me to anythin...
Mickey: I'll tell ya what. I'll do it for a caravan. Turkish: For what? Pikeys: For a caravan. Tommy: It was us who wanted a caravan. [looking around] Tommy: Anyway, what's wrong with this one? Mickey: It's not for me. It's for me ma. Turkish: Your w...
The best teacher is very interactive.
It's wonderful when music is intellectually stimulating. But ultimately it has to be a visceral experience.
Ce ne stiamo in silenzio sotto quel cielo che ci guarda e chissà che pensa di noi. Ci sono sere in cui si vede a malapena una stella ma, se t'innamori, ne vedi tantissime, è come quando sei ubriaco e vedi doppio... stasera se ne vedono a g rappoli....
Porque en los momentos mas tristes hay alguien que llora contigo, sufre porque tu sufres, te entiende perfectamente bien cuando te enojas, comprende que en el fondo de tu enojo hay dolor, y no te deja nunca sola. Porque en los momentos mas felices br...
— Mas o que é que você faria com o Graal? — Eu iria usá-lo. — Para quê? — Para livrar o mundo do pecado. — Seria um trabalho notável, mas nem Cristo conseguiu realizá-lo. — Você pára de eliminar ervas daninhas entre os vinhedos s�...
Sai bene che non sogno. Ma ieri notte ho sognato che assistevamo a un funerale nel mare. All’inizio ero attonito. Poi pieno di rimpianti. Ma tu m’hai sfiorato un braccio e hai detto: “no, va tutto bene. Era molto vecchia, e poi lui l’ha amata...
I'm interested in music that happens now and that relates to our lives now.
Quella vita ch'è una cosa bella, non è la vita che si conosce, ma quella che non si conosce; non la vita passata, ma la futura. Coll'anno nuovo, il caso incomincerà a trattar bene voi e me e tutti gli altri, e si principierà la vita felice. Non �...
Tra due parole c'è sempre un intervallo, per quanto piccolo, impercettibile. Altrimenti le parole non potrebbero essere due, ma diventerebbero una. Due parole o due note non potrebbero essere due se non ci fosse un intervallo tra loro. C'è sempre u...
You can't learn pathos or profundity.
Bach was a top harmonist geezer, which is why the jazz cats love him.
My ma is an economist. My dad is a software engineer.
I wasn't a very good teacher.
L'esercizio rende perfetti, ma nessuno è perfetto, quindi perché esercitarsi?