You can spread jelly on the peanut butter but you can't spread peanut butter on the jelly.
My Lucky Life in and Out of Show Businesspositivity is the father of reinvention
And That's Why I'm Single: What Good Is Having A Lucky Horseshoe Up Your Butt When The Horse Is Still Attached?Don't be so hard on yourself....that's what a loofah's for
And That's Why I'm Single: What Good Is Having A Lucky Horseshoe Up Your Butt When The Horse Is Still Attached?If bliss are a type of potato, then ignorance can be french-fried
And That's Why I'm Single: What Good Is Having A Lucky Horseshoe Up Your Butt When The Horse Is Still Attached?If positivity is not your mindset, then reset
And That's Why I'm Single: What Good Is Having A Lucky Horseshoe Up Your Butt When The Horse Is Still Attached?If life is a bowl of cherries, what's inside of it?
And That's Why I'm Single: What Good Is Having A Lucky Horseshoe Up Your Butt When The Horse Is Still Attached?Never borrow trouble, the payback's a bitch
And That's Why I'm Single: What Good Is Having A Lucky Horseshoe Up Your Butt When The Horse Is Still Attached?