Damon Macready: [from trailer] Tool up, honey bunny. It's time to get bad guys.
Howard Finnigan: Hey Jer, how goes the war? Jerry Kaiser: Bad guys are winning, sir.
Park Dong-jin: I know you're a good guy... but you know why I have to kill you...
Gordon Gekko: You gonna tell me the difference between this guy and that guy is luck? [points at a bum and businessman]
It's the company itself, but most of these mutual fund companies, the guy who runs the company is just a fact totem and the guy who runs the money is the power. But we really don't know who they are.
There's a lot of comics writers out there whose work I appreciate and who are nice guys. I really want to work with guys I really respect and enjoy.
You have to promote yourself; you have to have this smile on your face all the time and be this nice guy - which I am!
There are things that I invented - the creaky geriatric robot that is always grumpy, for example, or the little wheelie guy, he's not in the Hasbro lore. But kids love that stuff - this little guy as a pet on a chain. They gravitate towards it.
I love preseason games. They are fun to me because you get to go out there with guys that are on the NFL field for the first time and playing against guys who are going to be on the field for the first time.
I get along with guys; most of my friends are guys. It's easier to trust men sometimes. I only have a few close girlfriends that I trust.
As an actor I'm part of a long line of character people you can take back to the silent movies. There's always the little guy who's the sidekick to the tall, good-looking guy who gets the girl.
My label is to play bad guys of Latin origin in American movies. I'm happy with that label. I prefer to play that than to play a city boy. The bad guy is always something very tempting for the audience.
Rule number one. The good guys always win. Rule number two. If the good guys lose, we play again.
Just because they're going to the gym, a lot of guys wear old T-shirts that look like they've been lying in the closet for 15 years. My workout clothes have to work.
I think you can have a whole terrific, smart career as a second and third banana and work more and have much less risk than the lead guy. But I like being the lead guy.
You know, sometimes guys work with other guys because they're buddies off the track, not necessarily because they're buddies on the track. Sometimes you've got that going against you or for you.
It's definitely hard when you're putting in the work and the guy who's starting isn't, especially if he's overhyped or you're not winning. I can't imagine how hard it would be to be that guy's backup.
I didn't want to be the lead guy. That's too much work. But I thought that it might be fun to be the lead guy's friend. I'd have days off, and still get a paycheck every week.
Most of the women placed in the fire department here in New York never passed the physical test. And a fat guy or a short guy, or anybody not passing the test in a life-or-death job, leads to friction.
I'm not for every woman, you know. Because a lot of women - I mean, obviously, your first thing is, 'What do you want your guy to look like?' And I'm not the tall, dark, handsome guy.
I'm the guy that made Joe DiMaggio famous.