I just filled out my income tax forms. Who says you can't get killed by a blank?
I still believe a majority of Republicans are for income tax cuts.
Back then, the excise tax was designed to be a luxury tax for people who owned telephones.
Temporary tax cuts don't create permanent confidence, nor permanent jobs.
Americans don't think we should be raising taxes on anybody, especially in the middle of a recession.
In theory, taxes should be like shopping. What I buy is government services. What I pay are my taxes.
Congress must also enact pro-growth policies that encourage the economy to expand: like making tax relief permanent and repealing the death tax.
My constituents in Kansas know the death tax is a duplicative tax on small businesses and family farms that, in many cases, families have spent generations building.
In Britain, polls show large majorities in favour of mansion taxes and higher taxes on the finance sector.
Democrats who see virtue in the estate tax are doing the equivalent of aborting future enterprises. They deprive businesses of oxygen with their support for capital gains taxes and disregard for contracts.
There are people who enjoy the life in England but don't pay a penny in tax, whereas my footballers pay more than half their income in tax.
And the cornerstone of my economic policies, when I first got elected, was cutting taxes on everybody on who paid taxes.
We tax air passengers like cigarettes and alcohol - we impose sin taxes on travellers.
Income tax returns are the most imaginative fiction being written today.
The only imaginative fiction being written today is income tax returns.
Yet, individuals and corporations in Puerto Rico pay no federal income tax.
We can push Montana forward and we can do it with out raising taxes.
The tax code can be used to eliminate the toll booths on the information superhighway.
Democrats are not about to nominate anyone who backs the tax cut, and Americans are not going to elect anyone who favors a tax increase.
We are today, in this country, convulsed by the situation in Iraq. It is an extraordinary crisis. It is taxing our men and women in uniform, and it is certainly taxing our resolve.
Ultimate success for a carbon tax would mean so complete a shift to renewable energy that the tax would stop raising much revenue at all.