Skylar: What is your obsession with this money? My father died when I was 13 and I inherited this money. You don't think that every day I wake up and wish I could give it back? That I would give it back in a second if I could have one more day with h...
Dr. Egon Spengler: I have a radical idea. The door swings both ways, we could reverse the particle flow through the gate. Dr. Peter Venkman: How? Dr. Egon Spengler: [hesitates] We'll cross the streams. Dr. Peter Venkman: 'Scuse me Egon? You said cros...
Dr. Egon Spengler: I have a radical idea. The door swings both ways, we could reverse the polarity flow through the gate. Dr. Peter Venkman: How? Dr. Egon Spengler: [hesitates] We'll cross the streams. Dr. Peter Venkman: 'Scuse me Egon? You said cros...
Kazuko Yoshiyama: I first fell in love in high school. We became really close as soon as we met. It was like we'd known each other since childhood. But it was over before we became adults. Makoto Konno: Why? Kazuko Yoshiyama: The timing was probably ...
Inspector Frank Butterman: I used to believe in the immutable word of the Law. That is until the night Mrs. Butterman was taken from me. You see no-one loved Sandford more than her - she was head of the Women's Institute, chair of the floral committe...
Voldemort: The Boy-Who-Lived. How lies have fed your legend, Harry! Do you want to know what really happened thirteen years ago? Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? It was love. You see, when dear sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only ...
Joan Clarke: So what? I had my suspicions. I always did. But we're not like other people. We love each other in our own way, and we can still live the life together that we want. You won't be the perfect husband? I can promise you I harboured no inte...
Bing Bong: [Seeing a memory image of 11-year-old Riley] Whoa. Is this Riley? [Joy looks at the image and nods] Bing Bong: She's so big now. She won't fit in my rocket. How're we gonna get to the moon?" Joy: Oh, it's that time in the twisty tree, reme...
Bill: Mommy is still angry at Daddy. B.B.: Why? Bill: Well sweety, I love Mommy, but I did to Mommy what you did to Emilio. B.B.: You stomped on Mommy? Bill: Worse. I shot Mommy. Not pretend shoot, like we were just doing. I shot her for real. B.B.: ...
Billy Kramer: Who's gonna read me my bedtime stories? Ted Kramer: Mommy will. Billy Kramer: You're not gonna kiss me good night anymore, are you, Dad? Ted Kramer: No, I won't be able to do that. But, you know, I get to visit. It's gonna be ok, really...
[Billy's record makes #1] Radio 1 chart show DJ: Hi, Billy! Billy Mack: Hello. Radio 1 chart show DJ: We're live across the nation, and you're number one! [Billy laughs] Radio 1 chart show DJ: How will you be celebrating? Billy Mack: I don't know. Er...
Mr. Eddy: How you doin' Pete? Pete Dayton: Okay. Mr. Eddy: I'm sure you noticed that girl that was with me the other day, good lookin' blonde? She stayed in the car? Her name is Alice. I swear I love that girl to death. If I ever find out that somebo...
Triton: Sebastian, I'm concerned about Ariel. Have you noticed she's been acting peculiar lately? Sebastian: Oh! Uh, peculiar? Triton: You know, mooning about, daydreaming, singing to herself. You haven't noticed, hmm? Sebastian: Oh, well I. Triton: ...
Malcolm Tucker: All right now, my lovely friends, the bottom line is... Michael Rodgers: Oh, God, I hate that phrase. "Bottom line." I mean, we're not in retailing. Malcolm Tucker: Sorry. Michael's quite right. I won't use that again. The bottom line...
Eowyn: My Lord! Aragorn! I am to be sent with the women into the caves. Aragorn: That is an honorable charge. Eowyn: To mind the children, to find food and bedding when the men return. What renown is there in that? Aragorn: My Lady, there may come a ...
Charlotte: [after Bob tells her of his back pain] I'm in pain, I got my foot banged up. Wanna see it? Bob: [to Chef, sarcastically] How do you say no? [sees the foot] Bob: Oh, my gosh! When did you do this? Charlotte: I did it the other day, it hurts...
Yuri Orlov: Of all the weapons in the vast soviet arsenal, nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947. More commonly known as the AK-47, or Kalashnikov. It's the world's most popular assault rifle. A weapon all fighters love....
Dot: [GASPS after seeing Nathan Jr] What's his name? Ed McDonnough: Uh... Hi... Hi Junior, till we think of a better one. Dot: Why don't ya call him Jason? l just love biblical names. If I had another little boy, I'd name him Jason, Caleb or Tab. [GA...
Frank Stark: We give you love and affection, don't we? Well, then, what is it? Was it because we went to that party? Well, you know what kind of drunken brawls those kind of parties turn into. It's not a place for kids. Mrs. Carol Stark: A minute ago...
Buzz Lightyear: Woody, stop this nonsense and let's go. Woody: Nah, Buzz. [sigh] Woody: I can't go. I can't abandon these guys. They need me to get into this museum. Without me, they'll go back into storage. Maybe forever. Buzz Lightyear: Woody, you'...
Woody: [deleted scene] [Woody is asking the Roundup gang to come back to Andy's with him] Woody: Bullseye, are you with me? [Bullseye licks him like a dog] Woody: Ah! Okay! Good boy. [walks toward Prospector's box] Woody: Prospector, how 'bout you? [...