Hope: [as August enters the room] You the one slept under my bed? August Rush: [watches her as she plays the piano] Do you live here? Hope: Me and my grandma do till our boat comes in. Do you like music? August Rush: More than food. Hope: [looks at h...
Toby Radloff: I'm not going to be eating dinner until very late and this has got to hold me over. Harvey Pekar: Yeah? Whaddya got? A church function? Toby Radloff: No. I'm driving to Toledo to see a movie. Wouldya like to come? Harvey Pekar: No. Nah....
[Black Widow is flying a Quinjet, while a maskless Captain America and helmetless Iron Man stand in the back keeping an eye on Loki] Steve Rogers: I don't like it. Tony Stark: What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily? Steve Rogers: I don't remember it ...
Ava Gardner: [infuriated to learn that Hughes was tapping her phone lines to keep an eye on her] What do you wanna know, Howard? Was I screwing Artie Shaw last night? Was I screwing Sinatra the night before? You bet! Everyone told me you were a godda...
Tadashi: You better make this up to Aunt Cass before she eats everything in the cafe. Hiro: [not really listening] For sure. Tadashi: And I hope you learned your lesson, bonehead. Hiro: Absolutely. Tadashi: [pauses] You're going bot fighting, aren't ...
Bruce Wayne: [about the prototype Batsuit] Tear resistant? Lucius Fox: This sucker will stop a knife. Bruce Wayne: Bulletproof? Lucius Fox: Anything but a straight shot. Bruce Wayne: Why didn't they put it into production? Lucius Fox: Bean counters d...
Mrs. Murphy: May I help you boys? Elwood: You got any white bread? Mrs. Murphy: Yes. Elwood: I'll have some toasted white bread please. Mrs. Murphy: You want butter or jam on that toast, honey? Elwood: No ma'am, dry. [Mrs. Murphy gives him a look, th...
[Durant and Wolcott talk over the intercom as they fly past each other in their helicopters] Durant: Six-One, this is Six-Four, go to UHF secure. I've got some bad news. Cliff Wolcott: Limo is a word, Durant. I don't want to hear about it. Durant: It...
Smith: I'm sorry. Eversmann: You have nothing to be sorry about. You saved Twombly, you did it perfect. Smith: You okay Twombs? Twombly: Yeah, I'm okay, Jamie. Eversmann: See, you did what you were trained to do. You should be proud of that, be proud...
SSgt. Eddie Dohun: Colonel, if you don't look at him right now, he's going to die. U.S. medical colonel: He's dead now. SSgt. Eddie Dohun: It would mean a lot to me, sir, if you'd check him out. U.S. medical colonel: Come on, Sergeant! For Chrissakes...
Marty McFly: [referring to Alternate 1985 Biff] How could he be your husband? How could you leave dad for him? Old Lorraine: Leave dad? Marty, are you feeling all right? Marty McFly: [shouting] No! No I'm not feeling all right! I don't understand one...
[when making the payoff] The Dude: Dude. Nihilist: [on the phone] Who is this? The Dude: Dude. The bag man, man. Where do you want us to go? Nihilist: Us? The Dude: [to Walter] Shit! [to Nihilist] The Dude: Uh. Yeah, uh. Me and, uh, the driver. I'm n...
The Dude: Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man. Malibu Police Chief: Mr. Treehorn draws a lot of water in this town. You don't draw shit, Lebowski. Now we got a nice, quiet little beach community here, and I aim to keep it nice and quiet. So l...
Batman: Your father's dead, isn't he? You came into town early to get Chuckie Sol, so you could shift the blame to your father if necessary. Andrea Beaumont: They took everything, Bruce. My father, my friends, my life, you. I'm not saying it's right,...
Bart: Mongo was easy. The bitch was inventing the candy-gram. Probably won't even give me credit for it. [a knock at the window; Bart gets up and sees the same woman who insulted him earlier] Elderly Woman: Good evening, Sheriff. Sorry about the "Up ...
Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter-faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Veget...
Anything I run across can light up the circuitry of my brain, and set me on an adventure. To research strains of yeast; hiccup fetishists; the proper use of inverse, obverse, converse and reverse; the ratio of main narrative to tangent, of forward ac...
Lines and Squares Whenever I walk in a London street, I'm ever so careful to watch my feet; And I keep in the squares, And the masses of bears, Who wait at the corners all ready to eat The sillies who tread on the lines of the street, Go back to thei...
Etre homme, c'est précisément être responsable. C'est connaître la honte en face d'une misère qui ne semblait pas dépendre de soi. C'est être fier d'une victoire que les camarades ont remportée. C'est sentir, en posant sa pierre, que l'on con...
I had more to say,” Sin said, still looking frustrated. “But it doesn’t come out right when I try. I always say the wrong things.” Boyd nodded but he was so caught by their proximity, by the green of Sin’s eyes, that at first he struggled w...
Today I prayed for Boston, for America, my home away from home. Today, I realized how lucky we Sri Lankans are to have peace in our country. How I feel today, hearing of the bombs going off in the city brings back memories of how I used to feel four ...