So the American government lied to the Native Americans for many, many years, and then President Clinton lied about a relationship, and everyone was surprised! A little naive, I feel!
I authored the Universal National Service Act because I believe that everyone in America should contribute to the greater good of America.
Supposing everyone lived at one time what would they say. They would observe that stringing string beans is universal.
When you are an athlete, it's difficult to take time off and say you want to come back without everyone judging you and attacking you.
I'd much rather win in three or four sets than go the distance all the time; I seem to put everyone through the wringer quite a bit.
I'd just like to be able to walk outside as everyone does and enjoy time with my friends, not feel bad for not wanting to take a picture.
Everyone - particularly my female friends I speak to - all say 'I wouldn't be in my twenties again if I was paid.' It's a difficult time.
I don't sleep very well when I travel. And as a result, I tend to be awake in cities when everyone else is asleep.
All the privileged can travel, see different worlds; not everyone can. I think it is important for people to have an interesting locale nearby.
My whole problem is that all of my favorite things at Thanksgiving are the starches, and everyone is trying to go low-carb this year, even a green vegetable has carbs in it.
Sloane: Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.
Staff Sergeant William James: Everyone's scared about something, you know?
Yusuf: [after surviving a roll with the van] Did you see that? [realizes that everyone else in the van is asleep]
John: Why do you have to point out how stupid everyone is all the time?
Mrs. Banks: [sees the time] Excuse me, POSTS, EVERYONE, PLEASE! [cannon fires]
Ed Crane: Sooner or later everyone needs a haircut.
Jeff Sheridan: [to Robert] I know everyone that you're going to meet. I know what they want and why.
Maya: I'm going to smoke everyone involved in this op and then I'm going to kill bin Laden.
In New York, everyone's desperate for success, desperate for money and desperate to be accepted, but in London they're more laid back about things like that.
If there's a British film in the marketplace that is successful on a worldwide basis - whether it's 'A Room with a View,' 'Four Weddings' or 'The Full Monty' - money follows, and everyone tries to emulate that success.
If you want an interesting party sometime, combine cocktails and a fresh box of crayons for everyone.