Pies pa' que los quiero, si tengo alas pa' volar
I eventually became an actor, starting with doing stand-up comedy in New York and then theater wherever they would let me. Finally, I moved out here to Los Angeles and got on a show.
And here in Los Angeles, once again, I'm going to go down and be a witness. There's a guilty plea. I don't mind being on the witness stand, but I think they mind it a lot.
I cuss like a sailor; I smoked cigarettes for many years but quit and have never looked back; also, I ride a motorcycle... in Los Angeles... so there ya go.
I look forward to a time when my career in a place where I can get out of Los Angeles and find a nice small town like I grew up in to raise my family.
When you're in New York City or Los Angeles, even if you're not dealing with show business, there's still this sense that it's the center of the universe. And I think that's a really dangerous, limiting mindset.
I'll be in Los Angeles for two weeks and I'll have a laugh, get battered and have a buzz, but at the end of the day, I'll go home. It's just me earning a few more stories to tell everyone at home and all.
I began with small roles in successful movies like 'No Country For Old Men' by the Coen brothers; but it was 'The Last Exorcism' that changed my life: with what I earned, I left Texas and moved to Los Angeles.
I didn't really know what I wanted to do, and then I got this call from a casting director in Los Angeles. She remembered me from something years before, and she called my mom wanting me to audition for this thing.
The Heart Gallery premise is very simple. It is a special traveling exhibit of photographs featuring Los Angeles foster youth, designed to highlight the need to find loving adoptive families for waiting children.
The average actor might only be able to book six to eight guest star jobs a year - that would be high. So when you start doing the math, you can't live on that in Los Angeles.
There was an interesting article in Los Angeles Magazine about women directors. A woman director makes one bad independent film and her career is over. Guys tend to get an opportunity to learn from their mistakes.
Dicho del Profeta No es de los míos quien miente, rompe una promesa o defrauda la confianza depositada en él.
Definiciones de Mulla Do-Piaza Un tonto: un hombre tratando de ser honesto con los deshonestos.
Muéstrame a una persona que realmente sabe lo que es “bueno” y te mostraré que casi nunca usa la palabra.
La mayor barrera para la comprensión es el pensamiento anhelante y seguir lo que a uno le gusta.
Meditación - Antes de aprender cómo meditar, tienes que desaprender lo que crees que podría ser la meditación.
He compuesto un poema a la victoria: ¡Quién lo hubiera creído! ¡El doctor MacRae ha sonreído! ¡Es verdad!
Para el Mazo de la Mente Superior, los cielos son la bola más pequeña posible.
Las ramas sin fruto pueden parecer poco elegantes. Son, para el cocinero, los medios para hacer su fuego.
La pluma es la lengua del alma: cuales fueren los conceptos que en ella se engendraren, tales serán sus escritos.