I've been playing with Blackwell over 20 years. We used to play when I first went to Los Angeles. Blackwell plays the drums as if he's playing a wind instrument. Actually, he sounds more like a talking drum.
I have been blessed to win a number of awards and be involved in numerous historical baseball moments over my 20-year career with the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres.
I remember when I first came to Los Angeles being staggered by the range of roles open to me. These were leading parts in shiny new projects, and what always excited me was knowing there was a possibility that I could actually get these parts. I alwa...
The least sexy city is Los Angeles. And it poses as the most sexy. As you grow up, L.A. is being sold to you as home of the bikini-clad party girls. And then you get there, and it's full of very goal-oriented, yoga-obsessed careerists.
I have known Tavis Smiley since the 1980s, when we both worked at the same radio station in Los Angeles. He is smart, and he is a gentleman who has accorded me great respect both on and off the air.
Basically, my parents messed up because it was the Sixties, and they both had affairs, but they had a great love for each other. I saw that when my father flew over from Los Angeles when he knew my mother was going to die.
I'm the one who started redevelopment in South Los Angeles, not Jan Perry. I did it. I love Jan. She's a good person, and she did a wonderful job with what she did downtown, but in L.A., South L.A., I'm the one.
In my district, the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles handle approximately 44 percent of all of the goods delivered to American shores, yet they are in constant need of revenue for facilities, improvements and upgrades to roads and bridges and rail...
The perfect fit for L.A. would be the St. Louis Rams. I really believe that. I know their stadium deal is about expired, or it is expired. They're working through that. I think it would be the old Los Angeles Rams in town.
Los Angeles is a city of few hard targets. Its iconic buildings are private spaces, mostly residential, visible by invitation only or in the pages of a Taschen book. Its central industry is as mirage-like as the projection of light on a screen.
—Podrías esconderte, vivir... como ellos... podrías. —Comienza a costarme resistir, en ocasiones me olvido y siento el dolor... Eso no es lo que quiero. —Lo sé. —Podría vivir para siempre, sí, pero no querría respirar ni un solo segundo...
Hay un proverbio persa: "Examinar lo que ha sido examinado es ignorancia". Intentar examinar algo sin los medios para hacerlo es aún peor.
La esperanza puede ser muy poderosa. (...) cuando sabes qué es lo que anhelas y lo mantienes como una luz dentro de ti, puedes hacer que las cosas sucedan, casi como magia.
...escribir lo que no se había vivido, lo que sólo se había querido vivir, era también una manera —cobarde y tímida— de vivirlo...
Lo injusta que es a veces la suerte con los artistas que sueñan con encontrar el Paraíso en este terrenal valle de lágrimas.
—Por supuesto, Barramar. Te lo prometo. Somos una manada, ¿recuerdas? —Recuerdo, Gryal… —se abrazó el viejo al Capitán de la Milicia—. Y lo seremos hasta el final.
Hemos vivido con los ojos pelones, sin saber que hacer con la democracia. De los aztecas al PRI, con esa pelote nunca hemos jugado aquí.
-Haces que merezca la pena que mi corazón continúe latiendo- Susurró contra mi cuello. Alcé la cabeza y lo miré a los ojos. -Y tú que el mío dejara de hacerlo.
...amor mío, no puedo expresar lo mucho que te agradezco nuestro pequeño infinito. No lo cambiaría por el mundo entero. Me has dado una eternidad en esos días contados, y te doy las gracias.
Sus palabras eran el extintor de incendios que acababa de apagar una discreta llama: la historia que inconcientemente Francisca había comenzado a escribir en su cabeza.
El desarrollo de la vida es un milagro inevitable, una milagrosa combinación de elementos según una trayectoria de mínima resistencia.