It's all about the smiles!
Life is not sugar coated.
My worst quality is impatience.
There's no hypocrisy in Hell's Kitchen.
There's no such thing as an ex-marine.
I acted my heart out.
It captures a lot of the spirit of the '50s.
I'm definitely on the incline to a peak.
I am not a hater.
This life is full of vanity
The finer the bait, the shorter the wait!
Frugality is for the vulgar.
Don't get even, get mad.
Buster Keaton is my hero.
I don't like crowds or attention.
I'm a very hyper person.
You do what you are
I'm an actor, that's my contribution.
I loved working with Michelle Fairley.
Everyone has hiccups in their families.
I choose my roles carefully.