Remember we're all in this alone.
Hatred is an affair of the heart; contempt that of the head.
Ridicule is the first and last argument of a fool.
He who angers you conquers you.
To rule one's anger is well; to prevent it is better.
Film and art are close together.
I want to know art.
Timing has a lot to with art.
There's an art to comedy.
Sometimes art is ahead of revolution.
...luck is not to be coerced.
The subject I was best at in school was biology.
Example is the best precept.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
The best things in life are usually difficult.
Sleep is the best meditation.
All of the best songs happen on a whim.
Modesty is my best quality.
I try to make the best of everything.
I just try to be the best Catholic.
Some sarcasm is best told simply.