If Jesus didn't do it, don't say the Father does. If Jesus did do it, don't say the Father doesn't.
D.R. SilvaOne of the things that Christmas reminds us is that Jesus Christ was once a child.
Hark Herald SarmientoJesus Christ said 'by their fruits ye shall know them,' not by their disclaimers.
William S. BurroughsGandalf: Hail Denethor, son of Ecthelion, Lord and Steward of Gondor.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the KingSaruman: The power of Isengard is at your command, Sauron, Lord of the Earth.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the RingGimli: My lady... Eowyn: Lord Aragorn... where is he? Gimli: He fell.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersWhat good is a revolution anyway if it isn’t joyful?
The Electric Jesus: The Healing Journey of a Contemporary Gnostic