One of the biggest things you have is your reputation and your reputation with knowing what's good and what's not good.
There are only two things worth aiming for, good music and a clean conscience.
Twice and thrice over, as they say, good is it to repeat and review what is good.
I can now tell from the envelope whether or not it is a good script.
The chief enemy of creativity is 'good' sense.
From my training I can get a good idea of what I'm capable of.
When I am presented with good work, I accept it. Wherever it is.
People feel good about giving money to Greenpeace.
Growing up, I was not used to good things happening to me.
If you like my novels, I commend your good taste.
A good story cannot be devised; it has to be distilled.
Good ideas are often murdered by better ones.
Good men must not obey the laws too well.
What guarantees - or at least semi-guarantees - good ballets is good choreographers, and they are thin on the ground.
We can do more good by being good, than in any other way.
Contemplate the good things in your life and be grateful for them.
If I say a joke and the audience laughs it makes me feel good.
I've had the pretty good fortune of working with some decent guys and gals.
It feels very good to sing in Russian. It feels so good inside my body.
It's very difficult to find good scripts in Hollywood any more.
I went to college with James Coburn and Steve McQueen was a very good friend.