We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
He looks like an angel, if a broken one.
What was it with gay men and art photos of nude male torsos?
If you Love all Life you observe, you will observe all Life will Love.
If you follow your passion, it will lead you to fulfillment.
A river has many curves, but it always reaches the ocean.
Life is not something that happens to us, Life happens through us.
Have you noticed that everything in Nature, gives back to Nature?
Prayer is our voice; intuition is God’s answer.
And we would always be looking for the light... together.
Make your life a magical journey of Life, encountering Life.
Nature never rushes, yet everything gets done.
The more you love wildlife, the more wildlife you love.
My path is not a better path, it is simply a different path.
Gus was looking at him for confirmation of all his sorrows.
Look at you, all Rocky Horror Picture Ho.
Look at that moon. Potato weather for sure.
You never get tired of looking at the stars
This place looks like the last scene in Hamlet.
I wanted to do this properly, but I look at you and I forget...
Loyalty looks simple... but it ain't.