Are we looking at each other suspiciously when colour-blind cured.
A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks.
For you not to look scandalous, act educated.
The simple secret of looking beautiful, SMILE please!
I look for struggle in the roles I choose - struggle and perseverance.
I would say that I don't look for musical things.
People are looking for fame or a focus, and I can't provide that.
I'm looking for the perfect paintball movie.
What's nice about concrete is that it looks unfinished.
I was always unusual-looking; I wouldn't say beautiful.
~Reading a book is like looking through a window!
I look at the dancers and I get the inspiration for the work from them.
I started in radio, again accidentally. I wasn't looking for this kind of work at all.
We ought not to be looking for something spectacular but rather develop a plan in conjunction with the White House to work our way out of this problem over the next six weeks.
Style is a very personal thing and women should develop their own individual look.
Very skinny women don't look beautiful in clothes.
You know that look women get when they want sex? Me neither.
Punk allowed women to stop looking feminine. Oh, the relief.
I can't find a reason to be for this war. I've looked, and I can't, so I'm not.
It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
What you look at, you change.