I'm a sloucher, sort of, when nobody's looking.
I don't look at myself as suffering.
It's not the time to look for excuses.
I never really look at my movies.
I don't like to look typical.
I'm always looking for inspiration.
With women, there's a basic female instinct of caring deeply about the way they look; women stars have a narcissist complex.
I used to be afraid of looking at the audience.
I always look for contradiction in a character.
I don't like myself, and I don't like to be looked at.
I look like the man in the moon.
As an actor, you're constantly looking to be pushed.
God looks out for fools and babies.
I'm not bad-looking, but I'm not a beauty, either.
We'd never have got a chance to go outside and look at the earth if it hadn't been for space exploration and NASA.
I look great because I'm happy.
A man always looks good in a dark suit.
People look for their leadership to lead.
What we look for in the school is unrealized potential.
I don't think Americans look bad in spandex.
The camera looks into your soul.