I'd spent so long trying to fit in,trying to be someone i wasn't,that i had no idea who i was any more.
So come to the pond, or the river of your imagination, or the harbor of your longing, and put your lips to the world. And live your life.
How do you feel about helicopters?" There was a long pause. "How do you mean? Ethically?" "As a mode of transportation." "Faster than camels, but less sustainable.
As long as they don’t harm the environment, pay taxes, and don't do it in my bed, it’s none of my business.
I have an Unexplained Flying Erection. I also have a floating picture of my dead grandma. The two are unrelated. Long live the queen!
I am the ghost in the empty jar. My silence belongs in the cemetery, just like all my ex girlfriends. Long live love!
In a battle, an army of farts would surely beat an army of noses, even if those noses were armed with fingers that could flick long-range boogers.
As with all young ones, a deeper perception comes clearer with time... Roe'vaash recieved the grace to release the anger and pain he had carried and suffered for so long...
Things I can’t live without: food, water, love. But not her love, because I haven’t had that in a long time, yet I’m still alive.
I cleaned out my belly button last night, and I found the meaning of life. Gosh, I wonder how long it’s been hidden there.
He was like her favorite type of candy, she realized, a bit sour at first but all sweetness in the long run. Admittedly . . . that tartness was part of the allure all along.
I’d rather have a career that utilizes my creativity, but torturing people all day long is not a bad gig. At least not for me.
Compromise, while at times morally necessary or at least justifiable, is more often only the first permission for a person (or society) to begin a long downhill descent.
Taiki was watching the kings talk, feeling the kind of happiness that can only come after a long sorrow.
The embrace was long and tight, but more like a complex language then a simple prolonged act. She said nothing at all, but damn she said everything. And I finally got it.
To be given permission to be confused -- and remain confused -- for as long as it takes would have been a huge gift.
Bookish people, who are often maladroit people, persist in thinking they can master any subtlety so long as it's been shaped into acceptable expository prose.
What she was finding also was how one book led to another, doors kept opening wherever she turned and the days weren't long enough for the reading she wanted to do.
It would still be a long way until she was completely free, but the door had been cracked open and a smidgen of hope broke through the darkness.
... having been with Boaz for so long that she could predict every one of his moves, their sex life was more like a race to see who came first.
From an evolutionary point of view, most emotions - fear, desire, anger - serve some practical purpose, but nostalgia is a useless, futile thing because it is a longing for something that is permanently lost . . . .