I wondered if that was what I was doing myself – caring so much about something that was so long gone that I was only propping it up.
I remember I’ve never shared tears with someone that longed for (me) and loved me; I didn’t know how to be compassionate.” (The truth, the lies & the love, p. 76)
Beneath the hush a whisper from long ago, promising peace of mind and a burden shared. No peace which is not peace for all, no rest until all has been fulfilled.
Gue hanya tersenyum. Sebelum dia pergi, gue bertanya, “How long do you think it takes to get over someone?” Dia terhenyak sebentar sebelum menjawab, “Forever. Sometimes it takes forever.
...I tell myself it does not matter what one reads--favorite authors, particular themes--as long as we read something. It is not even important to own the books.
I cannot for the life of me understand why small children take so long to grow up. I think they do it deliberately, just to annoy me.
You know, Molly, if you can hold in your mind what you want long enough, you shall have it.
I discovered that private things were mostly sour. They sat spoiling in the corners of your heart for so long that by the time you acknowledged them you were dealing with something rancid.
The tatters of old stories are tangled, weathered, muted by long-held silences that succeeded loud feuds, and sometimes no doubt re-dyed a more flattering color.
In my experience when a friend unloaded about a boyfriend or spouse, the listener soaked up the complaint and remembered it long after the speaker had forgiven the offense.
Accept the long night patiently, quietly, humbly, and resignedly as intended for your true good. It is not a punishment for sin committed but an instrument of annihilating egoism.
And in the background of Early's story was her voice. Her soul. Her sadness and longing. Because when it's raining, it's always Billie Holiday. p. 81
Fearful that they would be caught, the young lovers cast themselves into the sea with their stone, saying these words, "May we ever be united in love and hidden as long as this stone hides in deep waters.
Lean on me,” someone says in Jane Austen to a woman he scarcely knows, and there’s no question but that she will, that she takes it for granted.
Good digestions, the gray monotony of provincial life, and the boredom—ah the soul-destroying boredom—of long days of mild content.
Long before the Theater of the Absurd, Woolrich discovered that an incomprehensible universe is best reflected in an incomprehensible story. ("Introduction")
As long as we don't get turned into something that looks more like high school, more like everybody else and less like us, I'll be okay.
To cry was to release all sorts of ugly little pressures and tensions. Like waking out of a long, dark dream to a sun-filled day.
How long have you been going?' said Vimes, selecting a pie. ‘Let’s see…what year is this?’ ‘Er…Dancing Dog, I think.’ ‘Since Tuesday, then,’ said Dibbler.
I'd like to have a good long talk with you once you've calmed down. Please call me soon. Happy Birthday.
My patience has dreadful chilblains from standing so long on a monument.