He gave up. He'd been feeling like giving up for a long, long time. I guess it's maturity, they say it always gets you in the end. I don't seem to have any more principles left, so it's got to be maturity... A broken man, I guess that's what you beco...
First, the explosion of life. Then came the celebration. Such as it had been for generations and generations, as long as the eldest of the eldest could remember; as long as the record books had kept steady score. By the time the first buds were edgin...
One hundred fifty years is not long in the reckoning of a hill. But to a man it's long enough. One hundred fifty years is a week end to a redwood tree, but to a man it's two full lifetimes. One hundred fifty years is a twinkle to a star, but to a man...
Decades would pass. A few short sections would be formed in time into strangely resurrected, trunkless legs-tourist sites, sacred sites, national sites. For the line was broken, as all lines finally are; it was on longing for meaning and hope, but th...
Lestat: Mon dieu, what melancholy nonsense. I swear you grow more like Louis each day. Soon you'll be eating rats! Claudia: Rats? When did you eat rats, Louis? Louis: It was a long, long time ago. Before you were born, and I don't recommend them.
Old Woman: Some of those stars have been burnt out for a long, long time. They're dead, but once they were so bright that their light is still travelling through space. We can still see them. Thomas: How can you tell which one is dead and which one i...
Station Attendant: Took the header plugs off, eh? Expectin' some action? John Milner: Yeah, I think so. There's some punk lookin' for me. Station Attendant: Why the hell do they bother? You've been number one as long as I can remember. John Milner: Y...
Hush now, ‘tis time to sleep and dream secrets of long ago.
On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we'll start with forever.
Black Consciousness is an attitude of the mind and a way of life, the most positive call to emanate from the black world for a long time.
Hip-hop culture is probably one of the most powerful things to come out of America in a long time - everything from the music to the art to the dance to the language.
A lifetime is not too long to spend in learning about the world.
He was thinking what a long and wide thing time is, to have so many happenings in it.
Am I the only one who measures time using songs? “Oh it only took me 4 songs to get here! that’s not to long!
It takes me three or four years to research and write each book and the individual stories stay with you for a long time afterwards.
Lost in Space brings back a lot of memories for people, and I think that any time you're involved in something that has such a long-lasting appeal, you feel very blessed by that.
In France, I am the fifth artisan to produce his own chocolate, and the others have been doing it for a long time.
Writing long hand is the last refuge. One needs the time it takes to put pencil to paper and let it run along the ruled line.
I remember I had a boyfriend a long time ago who said, 'You need to change your name; you sound like a circus performer.'
As an actor, you just want to continue to work on things that you like. You can be in this business a long time and consistently working and just be totally artistically unfulfilled.