Being funny, it turns out, is like being a bank. It's a confidence trick. As long as everyone believes in you, you are fine.
I made the choice long ago to write about real life. And life is both serious and funny.
Advertising: the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
In a marriage, in any long-term relationship, not to bother with lying. There's no time for that. If you have any sort of secret life, it will come back to haunt you.
Indifference may not wreck a man's life at any one turn, but it will destroy him with a kind of dry-rot in the long run.
A study last year showed that the page you turn to first in the newspaper can be a predictor of how long you will live. No surprise, turning first to the Comics Pages prolongs your life.
Most people take long breaks after Olympics. I needed some normalcy back in my life, so I came back to the pool.
A mother's life, you see, is one long succession of dramas, now soft and tender, now terrible. Not an hour but has its joys and fears.
I've been doing this stuff for so long it's the one aspect of my life that I've paid attention to and really sort of not paid attention to the rest of it.
A successful television series can chain you to a schedule of long hours and can put your personal life on hold. But after it is all over, if you survive, then anything is possible.
Is it possible to covet a much longer life for one's self and be as devoted to the well-being of the next generation? It's a long argument.
No matter how long what I'm doing here lasts, I want to be a songwriter for the rest of my life. I love it and it's my escape.
For some men, life seems to be one long attempt to escape childhood and all the fears of childhood. That's what many of us are doing.
I don't have a specific plan except for as long as people want to listen to me talk, I'm going to keep talking. I can't imagine a life without doing standup.
I think the more diversity that one has in his life, the happier he can be, as long as he is able to do whatever he chooses to do at that given time well.
For the first time in human evolution, the individual life is long enough, and the cultural transformation swift enough, that the individual mind is now a constituent player in the global transformation of human culture.
Consular cards were not designed to be identification and no treaty recognizes them as such. Legal travelers, visitors and long-term residents carried passports, visas or green cards for that purpose.
The fact is that the learning process goes on, and so long as the voices are not stilled and the singers go on singing some of it gets through.
I feel the older I get, the more I'm learning to handle life. Being on this quest for a long time, it's all about finding yourself.
To make a kung fu film is like a dream come true, because I'm a big fan of kung fu movies and I'm learning kung fu for a long time.
As a graduate student, I wrote a long paper connecting the dots between mathematical models of learning and language development in children. It was published in a major journal.