Marriage is wild. I thought it was this perfect land of happiness and joy. Wrong! After you say you do, you don't for a long time.
For me, music is my joy. It's my happiness. As long as this medicine, this chemo is in my body, I didn't have my love, my joy.
Of course, De Niro has had a long history of memorable performances. Everyone knows 'Taxi Driver' and 'Raging Bull,' but 'Awakenings' really did something for me.
Ordinary Kenyans rightly want to be able to shop safely, and there is a long history of them doing just that, irrespective of their religion or that of the shop owner.
I think any period in history can be adapted into interesting fiction, as long as you approach the actual history with respect.
People are on their computers more than watching TV, because you can only watch voyeur TV, which is basically what reality shows are, for so long.
What Englishman will give his mind to politics as long as he can afford to keep a motor car?
During long car rides to the set, after I study my script, I go onto my iPad to read books and play games.
I grew up in Birmingham, but my parents are originally from Barbados. My dad, Romeo, was a long-distance lorry driver, and my mother, Mayleen, worked in catering.
I want to keep my dreams, even bad ones, because without them, I might have nothing all night long.
Magazines that depend on photography, and design, and long reads, and quality stuff, are going to do just fine despite the Internet and cable news.
More than ever before, there is a global understanding that long-term social, economic, and environmental development would be impossible without healthy families, communities, and countries.
Oh, my God, I don't think any player can look forward to or expect to a career of so many Grand Slam wins or title wins or being so long at the top of the game.
My mother was an awful cook, an exceptionally awful kosher cook, but I stayed kosher until I got to college, even though I'd long stopped believing in God.
My scientific studies have afforded me great gratification; and I am convinced that it will not be long before the whole world acknowledges the results of my work.
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.
If people want to talk about anything I do, they can give it any name they want. As long as they're talking about it, I think it's great.
To be a winner of that, and to fall in the long line of traditional great backs at USC, to have your name in perpetuity, the fact that your parents are like icons... that's the greatest thing.
This path that we are now starting will be long, and we must follow it to remind ourselves of the great principles that, in our understanding, should always inspire us.
As long as I can still be on my own and do my own thing and be working full time, it's great.
You get nervous when you're identified with something that is really great and positive for so long. You don't want to not be that person, but there are going to be other roles in your career.