It may not of happened the way you thought it would, but in the long run it will work out as it should.
Early investment in the lives of disadvantaged children will help reduce inequality, in both the short and the long run.
An appeal to the reason of the people has never been known to fail in the long run.
It's a very tough time for the playwright. Broadway has become almost a musical comedy theme park with all these long-running shows.
In the long run, there are people who've made more money or had bigger stardom at points. But, I think I'll have come out winning.
I think not focusing on money makes you sane because in the long run it can probably drive you crazy.
I think because I am a proven rookie that it is going to help me in the long run.
The first requirement of politics is not intellect or stamina but patience. Politics is a very long run game and the tortoise will usually beat the hare.
Your body's made to run, to walk, to trek long distances and carry things, work in a forest, and hunt animals. You have to keep it alive to function.
I would always contend that talent is an element, but over the long run, ultimately, a minor part of it all; it is mostly hard work.
When you make a film, you like to run it with an audience. They tell you you're narrow-minded or subjective, or that seems too long, or that doesn't work.
run run run Hermione. You have in your hands a message and a and run and run and run Hermione. You know running and running and running that the messenger will take (lampadephoros) your message in its fervour and you will sink down exhaus...
He knew that his father had finally run hard enough and long enough to wear down the frontiers between the worlds, he had run clear out of his skin and into the arms of his wife, to whom he had proved, once and for all, the superiority of his love. S...
I run because long after my footprints fade away, maybe I will have inspired a few to reject the easy path, hit the trails, put one foot in front of the other, and come to the same conclusion I did: I run because it always takes me where I want to go...
In this age, which believes that there is a short cut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest.
Tension, in the long run, is a more dangerous force than any feud known to man.
The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.
Obviously after such a long gap, one itches to get back to the game and score big runs.
In the long run, outsourcing is another form of trade that benefits the U.S. economy by giving us cheaper ways to do things.
There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.
Writing long hand is the last refuge. One needs the time it takes to put pencil to paper and let it run along the ruled line.