It's going to be hard for someone like me to run for president.
Unlike the traditional athlete, I've got to do more than just engage in my sport to put food on the table. When I'm done running, it's straight to the office.
In the British Special Air Service, combat fitness is all about running.
Here in Denver, we want to thank Jeremy Jacobs for the way he runs his business. Otherwise, we wouldn't have gotten Ray Bourque and won a Stanley Cup.
If General Motors can't survive and run their business like a business, let them go under.
You can't run a business based on sympathies; otherwise our business would be hampered.
We didn't know how to run a business, but we had dreams and talent.
In business, the competition will bite you if you keep running, if you stand still, they will swallow you.
You get so tied up with the minutiae of the day-to-day, there's never a chance to sit back and let your subconscious run wild.
I'm not cool with ACORN or the working families' party, or people that vote like democrats and run on Republican lines.
The federal government spends millions to run the Postal Service. I could lose your mail for half of that.
I got elected to run the government more efficiently, lower taxes.
One way to make sure crime doesn't pay would be to let the government run it.
I always think that the most delightful thing about traveling is to always be running into Americans and to always feel at home.
David Ortiz is a genius. He's incredible to watch. Over and over, he hits home runs that are simply transcendent.
Think you're escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home.
I just try to get on anyway that I can, hit, hit-by-pitch, walk, home runs, anything.
If Ron Dellums running for mayor gives you hope, then let's get on with it.
The thread of culture that runs through the entire history of punk is also a dedication to challenging the authoritarian.
Shutting off the thought process is not rejuvenating; the mind is like a car battery - it recharges by running.
I'm calling from my car, I'm sorry, I'm like running around like crazy.