Adventure, opportunity and reward extend beyond our field of vision, and are made known to us only when we test our wings.
When your safety is in question follow your intuition. It will help you balance along the precipice between vulnerability and adventure.
If you are feeling constrained by a group that you belong to, ask yourself, “How can I participate in this community and still be who I am?
What do you believe about who you are? About your capabilities? When was the last time you trusted yourself enough to test them?
When we establish human connections within the context of shared experience we create community wherever we go.
Sometimes our dreams are affirmed in the most unlikely ways by the most unlikely people. That’s why we need to speak our commitment out loud.
Practice makes comfort. Expand your experiences regularly so every stretch won’t feel like your first.
Take time for yourself. If you feel guilty eating lunch away from your desk or lingering in a bath, let the deprogramming begin.
Much of what we acquire in life isn’t worth dragging to the next leg of our journey. Travel light. You will be better equipped to travel far.
The goal of this book is do for you what Greg did for me: reframe 26.2 miles as accessible and inspire your first marathon journey, one mile at a time.
What would happen if you gave yourself permission to do something you’ve never done before? There’s only one way to find out.
Indulgence comes in all varieties: a mouthful of gourmet chocolate, a hot stone massage, a week in Paris or 20 uninterrupted minutes to get lost in a book.
Each of us knows when it’s time to wake, eat and rest. We don’t need to read a clock for these activities; we need to listen.
The road to Manderley lay ahead. There was no moon. The sky above our heads was inky black. But the sky on the horizon was not dark at all. It was shot with crimson, like a splash of blood. And the ashes blew towards us with the salt wind from the se...
And the dreams so rich in color. How else would death call you? Waking in the cold dawn it all turned to ash instantly. Like certain ancient frescoes entombed for centuries suddenly exposed to the day.
Can you do it? When the time comes? When the time comes there will be no time. Now is the time. Curse God and die. What if it doesn't fire? It has to fire. Could you crush that beloved skull with a rock?
She spoke of evenings in the country making popcorn on the porch. Once this would have gladdened my heart but because her heart was not glad when she said it I knew there was nothing in it but the idea of what one should do.
I can see that Elijah knows exactly what Thompson’s asking. Thompson is asking if Elijah likes killing. Elijah considers it for a moment. ‘It’s in my blood,’ he finally says.
This morning, as I was driving to work, I mistook a big brown box on the side of the road for a deer. It was dark, and I swerved at the last second, and even though it wasn’t a deer, I still managed to nail that son of a bitch.
I was driving to another girl’s house who’s not my girl, and I saw a red sign by the road that read, “Wrong Way,” and I thought, I agree. So I turned around and went home.
My plan to live from 65 to forever is to simply keep showing up. I also don’t want to retire at the same age as a road’s speed limit—unless that speed limit is 35. Live slow, die old.