Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
We forgive so long as we love.
As long as the focus is on God the style of the music is irrelevant.
By Thor, I've been long without a woman.
As long as the sun’s shining, shit can’t be that bad.
The king is dead. Long live the queen.
If you wait this long to put an album out, you'd better be sure you tried your best.
I know you. Perversity is your aphrodisiac.
Sometimes, language is the sound of longing
Short questions with long answers, my boy.
Psychoanalysts seem to be long on information and short on application.
Making a movie is a long, dull process. There's a lot of waiting around.
I was an actress long before I was a reality TV person.
When you are dining with a demon, you got to have a long spoon.
If you leave me in a room long enough, I'll redecorate the room.
Honour sinks where commerce long prevails.
He who is hated by all can not expect to live long.
It doesn't matter how precisely the onion is cut as long as the person chewing it is happy.
Character is simply habit long continued.
Everybody really needs to laugh... If you don't laugh, you're not going to live long.