...you know that a good, long session of weeping can often make you feel better, even if your circumstances have not changed one bit.
You just know something is amiss, when you look at someone and long for something that is not yours or you cannot have. It's an absence--a loss of a heartbeat.
A long-standing commitment to living in the present—because screw the past. She was a done deal. And screw the future cuz she was a fickle bitch.
If the regular pay was important to him, the opportunity to learn was of even greater long-range significance.
At the end of this day there remains what remained yesterday and what will remain tomorrow: the insatiable, unquantifiable longing to be both the same and other.
I vowed after that day that I would be your hero too, no matter how long it took
A brick could be used to paint a mural of your favorite politician. It doesn’t matter how accurate it is, just so long as people can tell it’s a snake.
... i didn't fall in love of course it's never up to you but she was walking back and forth and i was passing through
I've needed someone like you for a long time. Now that I have you, no one is going to take you from me. Logan to Madeline
My modus operandi is that I'll be content with anything, as long as I know that it's the best that's possible.
The dead have existed for as long as the living, give or take a few years. But what good has that done them?
The wall of silence that exists between us is as long as the Great Wall of China. And though it’s the same length, our wall is about two bricks quieter.
No matter how careful we are, if we live long enough, eventually one of us will die. It is not a happy thought, but it is the truth. Such is the way of the world.
Even if I never get to see the light of heaven, it will still be worth my sacrifice as long as I save you.
I loved the way he kissed me, as if he had to, as if he'd go crazy if he didn't and had nearly waited too long.
As long as everyone's wearing their own pants." "I see I have come in on a fascinating moment in the conversation.
You can learn what you want to learn through hard work. And a good employer will teach you what you want to learn as long as you show the right attitude and behaviors.
A house with any kind of age will have dozens of stories to tell. I suppose if a novelist could live long enough, one could base an entire oeuvre on the lives that weave in and out of an antique house.
In Montana, where Sen. William Andrews Clark made his fortune and lost his reputation, people had assumed that all his children were long dead. After all, he was born in 1839 and was of age to serve in the Civil War.
Biological age, I think because I've been taking care of myself for so long I know not just my reproductive organs but my heart, you know, are much younger than - than what I am.
Few women, I fear, have had such reason as I have to think the long sad years of youth were worth living for the sake of middle age.