I'm a mum, so my wardrobe consists of sweaters and jeans. As long as I don't leave the house forgetting my jeans, I count that as a fashion success.
Action leads to Attention. that in the short-term releases Rewarding brain chemicals and in the long term improves reproductive success.
When one side benefits more than the other, that's a win-lose situation. To the winner it might look like success for a while, but in the long run, it breeds resentment and distrust.
Success in America - what I find with my homeland, nothing lasts very long. Europe is different. You're right there with them until you come back.
American society as a whole can never achieve the outer-reaches of potential, so long as it tolerates the inner cities of despair.
I want to work with anyone who's passionate about telling a story. I obviously have a list of people I really love, but it's a really long list.
I love writing, but I have that E. E. Cummings idea that as long as you stay inside the rules of your own world, it doesn't matter what it is.
I love to create interesting textures with language. You can do it as long as it seems like a discovery.
In my heart, I really don't care who you love, same sex or not; as long as you have the ability to love, that's the important thing here.
I've been painting and drawing and taking pictures as long as I've been writing music - and I've actually been drawing longer than I've been writing music.
If we don't invest now in so-called priority neighbourhoods with music classes, athletic facilities, and skills training and mentoring, we will all pay more in the long run.
I've been into music for a long time. I started playing drums when I was 8 and piano when I was 10, then bass and guitar when I was 18.
I've come to the conclusion that a long, personal relationship is next to impossible for me. Ultimately, music is a possessive mistress.
I have been long associated with British music. I have favoured it as my alternate music next to American.
Yes, there is a story about Agent Orange, and we knew that it harmed our troops and we knew how long it was to get the medical community to accept that, the military to accept it, the VA to accept it.
As long as I'm not selling out the people that ride or die with me, I'm glad I'm not an MC. I'm a motivational speaker. I'm not that rapper dude.
Men won't read any email from a woman that's over 200 words long.
Because making movies is such an expensive endeavor, other media such as books and comics have long been a more feasible way to experiment with truly new ideas.
I was the only swimmer in movies. Tarzan was long gone, and he couldn't have done them anyway; he could never have gotten into my bathing suit.
The long and short of it is that I am now in a position in England to green light movies, and that's really excellent - not high-budget movies, but movies none the less.
I like movies about longing and desperation, and dark and light things, stories about people struggling to raise children, and to have relationships and be intimate with each other.