This separation happened for a reason, this esason is for our own good; God is just positioning us.
The Experiences of Life & PrayersOur identities are as fluid as our personal experiences are diverse.
Bird of Paradise: How I Became LatinaTruth on our level is a different thing from truth for the jellyfish.
Knowledge and Experience in the Philosophy of F.H. BradleyWalk your own path and be yourself
Mongolia Monologues: One Woman's Quest to Experience, Learn and Grow...[A]lthough wisdom is built on life experience, the mere accumulation of years guarantees nothing.
My Beloved WorldHave you ever had an experience with God as wild as your most incredible sexual experience?
Sex, Lies & ReligionTruthis like a vast tree, which yields more and more fruit, the more you nurture it
The Story of My Experiments With Truth