The advantage of the consumer businesses is they tend to be much broader-based, much larger number of customers, that tend to over time be a lot more predictable. The advantage of the enterprise companies is they are not as subject to consumer trend,...
I have another Russian idea, too, with a place and a period, so I guess I have enough to keep me busy for quite some time, especially considering that I'm such a slow writer.
Everybody gets to a stage when it's time to move on. I was bored, and the band wasn't going anywhere, so I left. I did a couple of shows on Broadway and some other things. I was busy. I just wasn't making records.
I read upon the subject and grew more and more interested, and after a time I became a member of the National Board, and had duties and responsibilities that kept me busy after my day's work was done.
Getting close to books, and spending time by myself, I was obliged to think about things I would never have thought about if I was busy romping around with a brother and sister.
My husband is exceedingly busy. For some time the talk of his going had been slack, but just now again there seems to be a move to get him sent to the front!
I feel that for the first time in a long time, educated Pakistanis are returning to their country to start up educational projects, to start up businesses, so instead of the brain-drain that happened in the 1950s and 1960s, the country is growing and...
Dim: Hello, Lucy. Had a busy night? We've been working hard, too. Pardon me, Luce.
Dr. King Schultz: How do you like the bounty hunting business? Django: Kill white people and get paid for it? What's not to like?
Admiral Josh Painter: This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.
Maria: Lucas, look at this place. They're so busy in here. You get to go and do something. Go help people. You're good at it.
Perry: Rule number 1... Harry: Yeah. Perry: This business. Real life, boring.
Virginia McCain: We got a phone call? Busy morning. Sheriff John T. 'Buster' McCain: Yeah. Work, work, work.
C. S. Divot: [to Michelle] And forget about that test tomorrow, baby. You're finished in this business before you even start! You're wiped out! You're finished!
[last lines] Stumpy: You think I'll ever get to be a sheriff? Dude: Not unless you mind your own business. [Stumpy cackles]
Lt Hedgecock: We wait. Terrorism is a very tricky business. Massive and immediate retaliation is the best policy. Unfortunately...
Mickey: Get out of here! Don't ya ever interrupt me while I'm conductin' business. Move your little chicken asses out.
Mickey: You know what you are? Rocky: No, what? Mickey: A tomato. Rocky: A tomato? Mickey: Yeah, and I'm running a business here, not a goddamn soup kitchen.
Don Lockwood: Are you doing anything tonight, Miss Lamont? [she shakes her head "no"] Don Lockwood: Well's that's funny - *I'm* busy.
[Slade knew her face cleanser, by scent] Donna: Ah, that's amazing. Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Well, I'm in the amazing business.
Lt. Col. Frank Slade: You've been the sugar business for so long, you've forgetten the taste of real honey!