When I get logical, and I don't trust my instincts - that's when I get in trouble.
Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.
The mind has its own logic but does not often let others in on it.
Logic, like science, must be the servant and not the master of man.
I know, logically, about the fact that there are fans of my work in America, but it's hard for that feeling to sink in.
This is a great trap of the twentieth century: on one side is the logic of the market, where we like to imagine we all start out as individuals who don't owe each other anything. On the other is the logic of the state, where we all begin with a debt ...
I expected, as I approached the corporate world, to enter a brisk, logical, nonsense-free zone, almost like the military - or a disciplined, up-to-date military anyway - in its focus on concrete results. How else would companies survive fierce compet...
I can’t charge you 99 cents for a book called 99 Cents For Some Nonsense, because that would make sense. However, I have to charge you 99 cents, because it makes sense not to. So to do it is logical, and to not do it is logical, and I don’t know ...
When I say "The good man gave his good dog a good meal," I use "good" analogically, for there is at the same time a similarity and a difference between a good man, a good dog, and a good meal. All three are desirable, but a good man is wise and moral...
If I hold my head to the left and look down at the handle grips and front wheel and map carrier and gas tank I get one pattern of sense data. If I move my head to the right I get another slightly different pattern of sense data. The two views are dif...
[On whether Kirk should assume command from Spock] Spock: If I may be so bold, it was a mistake for you to accept promotion. Commanding a starship is your first, best destiny; anything else is a waste of material. Kirk: I would not presume to debate ...
Nash: What truly is logic? Who decides reason? My quest has taken me to the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional, and back. I have made the most important discovery of my career - the most important discovery of my life. It is only in the myste...
Logic is neither a science nor an art, but a dodge.
Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtasked
Never attempt to apply logic to madness, for there is none; it is the nature of madness to be illogical.
The logical man must either deny all miracles or none.
It is with children that we have the best chance of studying the development of logical knowledge, mathematical knowledge, physical knowledge, and so forth.
Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.
Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.
Having hit a wall, the next logical step is not to bang our heads against it.
I think Latin has some logic to it and there was a discipline.