Muller: [interrogating Caravaggio] Look here, for every name you give me, I'll let you keep a finger. You give me something, and you'll keep something. Caravaggio: Don't cut me. Muller: Are thumbs fingers? [to Lieutenant] Muller: Ist ein Daumen ein F...
William of Baskerville: [after finding the secret room of books in the tower] How many more rooms? Ah! How many more books? No one should be forbidden to consult these books freely. Adso of Melk: Perhaps they are thought to be too precious, too fragi...
Didn’t I stand there once, white-knuckled, gripping the just-lit taper, swearing I’d never go back? And hadn’t you kissed the rain from my mouth? And weren’t we gentle and awed and afraid, knowing we’d stepped from the room of desire into t...
Life is precious and there's not a lot of room for anger.
Fatigue is the safest sleeping draught.
To me an audition is 30 crazed people in a room waiting to be axed.
I could have a roomful of awards and it wouldn't mean beans.
The more bombers, the less room for doves of peace.
Everything born has to die, in order to make room for the future.
I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief.
I just love the idea of going into a room and creating something by myself.
There is room in the smallest cottage for a happy loving pair.
I get excited about room-service menus! I really do.
A woman's gifts will make room for her.
No one in my writers' room can wear sweatpants.
Wie steht eine Frau vor dem Spiegel? Immer in Bewegung. Sie lässt nicht locker, bis sie etwas entdeckt, was nicht perfekt ist. Liebe Frauen, in dem einen Punkt könnt ihr etwas von uns Männern lernen. Wir zerfleischen uns nicht mit Selbstkritik. Wi...
Solitude is an interesting companion. It is both enemy and friend, comforter and tormentor. I spent a lot of time in Dun Cinzci's meat locker trying to decide which. Fortunately, when I tired of solitude, I had guilt to keep me company. Guilt is an e...
Staff Sergeant William James: [Speaking to his son] You love playing with that. You love playing with all your stuffed animals. You love your Mommy, your Daddy. You love your pajamas. You love everything, don't ya? Yea. But you know what, buddy? As y...
Spc. Owen Eldridge: Aren't you glad the Army has all these tanks parked here? Just in case the Russians come and we have to have a big tank battle? Sergeant JT Sanborn: I'd rather be on the side with the tanks, just in case, than not have them. Spc. ...
When I'm online, I'm alone in a room, tapping on a keyboard, staring at a cathode-ray tube.
But language is wine upon his lips