Aurora Greenway: He can't even do the simple things, like fail locally.
My wife and I started a program called Bears Without Borders. We raise money and hire local artisans to make stuffed animals and distribute them in their communities.
I got started acting by going to auditions that my mom found in the entertainment section of our local news paper. Then, I got a manager and started going out on more auditions.
It was like in Samoa when they'd put up a movie screen on the beach and show movies and the locals would run behind the sheet to see where the people went. It was pretty grim.
My mother is, my father certainly was. They were kind of the local intelligentsia in the town where I grew up.
More emphasis was thus thrown upon the local governments than in England.
In each colony in 1750 were to be found two sets of governing organizations, - the local and the general.
Local commerce, without question, will be one of the fundamental use cases enabled by mobile devices over the next several years.
Most problems in poor countries are locally generated even though international factors do play a role.
If there is a ground zero in the cultural wars, it is Missouri, a state where pro-life groups are strong and well organized and their agenda dominates local politics.
Many young and beginning farmers start out in local markets. Some stay there, and some scale up.
I think it's very important that the United States keeps out of the local electoral process in Mexico.
When you're serving at the local level, you have to build strong personal relationships to get things done.
States get to improve transportation infrastructure; that creates economic development, puts people back to work and, most important, enhances safety and improves local communities.
I began after college, about 1972. I began to teach myself photography. I went to work for a local newspaper for four years as a kind of basic training.
What you need if you want jobs are small and medium sized enterprises, local initiatives, labour intensive work, community development, service providers and the like.
During the war, my mother used to take me to the local repertory theatre on a Monday night, and we used to get two seats for the price of one, for nine pence, in the gods.
So here's the deal: I speak up in class, I get sent to office. Megan speaks up in class, she's a "strong, assertive model student."I post a few flyers saying that the vending machines on school property are a sign that our school has sold out to corp...
Una combinación de inversiones en sintonía con las necesidades y condiciones locales pueden permitir que las economías africanas escapen de la trampa de la pobreza
Be conscious of the global elements in your dreams. When starting local, dream of taking it global sooner.
Here's the thing about don't know if it's good or bad until you have some perspective.