It's impossible to be a good writer if you haven't lived badly.
Everyone is terrified of death, as we spend our whole lives avoiding it.
May love binds all mankind to live in harmony.
Mankind must live in harmony with one another.
Do not wait to know you are dying before you start living.
Wonderful life, life live to inspired other people.
A life live with God in the center of our being, overflows with joy.
Do not wait to know you are drying before you start living.
Do not allow criticism to stop you from living your best.
I don't have an entourage. In fact, I have no live-in help.
There's just something that is kind of magical that happens when we sing live.
I want simply to learn about the world and live freely.
When its time to die, you don't want to realize you haven't lived.
For many, to live in a universe that may have no purpose, and no creator, is unthinkable.
My motto is: Live every day to the fullest - in moderation.
Living in continual chaos is exhausting, frightening. The catch is that it's also very addictive.
We realize that if we live in a world that depends totally on, we'd be dead.
The idea of the live-virus vaccine is to produce in a continuous way some viral antigens.
absolute peace can't be find out of living is within it .
I prefer to live in my own little bubble of my own reality.
I got hit a lot. I'm glad I lived through it.