What we live by we die by.
Live to ask. Die to answer.
If I have no children what would be the point of living.
Make art and live simply.
Tone has the living soul.
So, do you live around here often?
We live in condensations of our imagination
live as temporal, serve as eternal
Live a life of faith, hope and love.
We live in a niche world.
I live like a scumbag, but it's cheap.
Live for nothing die for something!!
Living, it's awful for me.
And if love is life,live it.for God is love.
I probably shouldn't live in New York.
A reputation is really hard to live down.
I live a very Kenneth Williams-like existence.
The dead to the grave, the living to the loaf.
A god is anything that lives outside of God.
People's lives have to change as a result of this legislation.
My family lived in Egypt from 1993 to 1996.