Make every effort to live in peace with all men.
Everybody in the world, must work to earn a living.
Live for the present, as the past has gone and the future as yet to arrive.
You never get over an ex, but you learn to live with it.
I'm not going around touring the U.S. when I've got nowhere to live.
Learn from the past and let it go. Live in today.
Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.
I sailed around Europe and lived with the Karen tribe in Thailand for a month.
Despite the forecast, live like it's spring.
The truth is that we live in a world that diminishes possibilities.
There is a time to live and a time to die but never to reject the moment.
To know God and to live is one and the same thing. God is life.
Unveiling the lies that we live by can ultimately help reveal the truth.
If I could afford to live in London I would.
Listen more. Learn more. Love more. Live more.
People die because they find living too painful.
Elektra has no control over the live show, at least.
My ambition was to live like music.
LIVING your life and NOT acting it is the true art.
Living in London is like being on a luxury cruise liner.
It is the character of lived experience I want to explore, not the nature of man.