I suppose it is submerged memories that give to dreams their curious air of hyper-reality. But perhaps there is something else as well, something nebulous, gauze-like, through which everything one sees in a dream seems, paradoxically, much clearer. A...
Col. Milt: [gesturing towards a pile of books] You read them all? Marco: Yeah, they also make great insulation against an enemy attack! But the, uh, truth of the matter is that I'm just interested, you know, in, uh, Principles of Modern Banking and, ...
…. Query: How contrive not to waste one's time? Answer: By being fully aware of it all the while. Ways in which this can be done: By spending one's days on an uneasy chair in a dentist's waiting-room; by remaining on one's balcony all of a Sunday a...
Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat.
In all of your living don’t forget to live.
One should eat to live, not live to eat.
We recorded several of Kenny's songs in the living room of my home.
This fear of death infused me with the desire to live, and to live harder.
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
Education is the process in which we discover that learning adds quality to our lives. Learning must be experienced.
This is a great time in our lives and careers.
A life lived in fear is a life half lived.
You have to live life to its full chorizo.
The unexamined life is not worth living.
I love trainwrecks on live TV.
What’s the point of living if you don’t live.
Living is not existing but to live with joy.
Live simply so that others may simply live.
Never have lives less lived been more chronicled.
I'm a live performer and I love playing live.
The irony of life is we live to work and work to live