Get rich. Live life to the fullest. Destroy the world.
Don't live your whole life on holy crutches.
They didn't just live with secrets. Secrecy surrounded their entire lives.
Think Upside Down Live Rightside Up
I live for playing live. All my records are live, since After the Gold Rush, with the exception of Trans and the vocals on Landing on Water.
There is always a hope for the living. Life is worth living, no matter what situation you may have encounter. No situations is permanent.
I'm not going to have a husband anyway," said Laura. "I'm going to live by myself in the garage.
Because it's not only that a child is inseparable from the family in which he lives, but that the lives of families are determined by the community in which they live and the cultural tradition from which they come.
The problem with living without the person you can't live without is eventually realizing you can live without them.
I lived rough, by my wits, was homeless, lived on the streets, lived on friends' floors, was happy, was miserable.
Cobb lived off the field as though he wished to live forever. He lived on the field as though it was his last day.
Many of us are walking around living smaller lives than we're meant to live. Don't allow yourself to dream smaller than you were meant to dream.
Are we Darwinists - where we live and let live? Or are we nurturing as a society? There has to be a standard of living that we decide to support.
What a sad thing I thought -- to live in a world so concerned with the lives of others, we forget to live our own.
Effort is required to live life of others, but to live our own every action comes all and only natural.
It is interesting to be here and to see that for certain actors they have to live in a way that you think of nobody living anymore except for in small towns. They have such elaborate double lives.
We all know that the un-examined life is not worth living (socrates). But if all you are doing is examining, you are not living.
The worst illness is to live life that others want you to live and best medicine to this illness is "Awareness of Death
Because," explained Mary Rommely simply, "the child must have a valuable thing which is called imagination. The child must have a secret world in which live things that never were. It is necessary that she believe. She must start out by believing in ...
To call up modern versions of the old stories, one has to go forth and live life. As a result then, one will have the challenge of not only living the story, taking it all in, but also interpreting it in whatever ways are useful. So too, one will rea...
She understood now why so many members of her kind died so young. It was possible to squeeze an entire lifetime of living into a single day: to live more, to more, in the span of twenty-four hours than most did in eighty years. Shape-shifters lived i...