And, finally, as a Republican, I believe it is important to keep our word and keep our covenant, and that is exactly what we should do with the Wright amendment today.
Especially today, given the tight fiscal situation that many States and localities face, the use of transportation facilities that pay for themselves without additional Federal funding is essential.
The Palestinians are the only nation in the world that feels with certainty that today is better than what the days ahead will hold. Tomorrow always heralds a worse situation.
Yeah, look, I think what we have with the social media and the digital media, and all the telecommunications we have today is a big megaphone, amplification.
We should demand his blood not from the Arabs of Gaza but from ourselves. Let us make our reckoning today.
To build a better world we need to replace the patchwork of lucky breaks and arbitrary advantages that today determine success...with a society that provides opportunities for all.
Stoning prophets and erecting churches to their memory afterwards has been the way of the world through the ages. Today we worship Christ, but the Christ in the flesh we crucified.
There are so many venues in which stars are exposed today, that we just know much more and the studios don't have the control over stars like they used to, in the 30s, 40s, and 50s.
You can never run from your past; it defines who you are today. But, use your Awo given intelligence and enjoy the future…because THAT only comes once.’ VAALBARA The Land of Shadows
If - you know, it seems to me that if we see Matt Cooper being carted off to jail today, a lot of people may find that, you know, a very upsetting thing.
If you exist tomorrow as you do today, that is a miracle! It means that thousands of bad things which may happen did not happen and you are still alive! Existence is always a miracle in this universe of chaos!
It is impossible to catch today; it flows out from our palms! It is impossible to catch tomorrow; it flows out from our palms! We cannot hold them; they constantly run away from us!
The larvae you see today would grow into a large butterfly tomorrow. Size is what you see now, allow the clock to tick, then check on the size again.
Gone are the days when women were attracted by a man's hansomeness. Today, we are talking about cash, and your compromise to become a tiger in bed.
A stupid is one who thinks that those in power today had clandestine means of getting there, yet wants to get there without thinking of the clandestine route they would be taking.
Break free from the binding robes of passion that feels like a lump in your heart, perform that surgery today, and you'll be set free forever.
Every day I wake up afraid that I won't be able to write, that today is the day it has left me.
And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
Stop beating yourself up over all the days you didn’t work on your story. Focus on what you can do today. Sit down, and write.
The solution to adult problems tomorrow depends on large measure upon how our children grow up today.
Our farmers and ranchers have never faced as many problems as they do today with drought, range fires, high gas prices and an ever tightening budget on agriculture subsidies.