The Beginning of Survival is my best album. I am very proud of it, and I am surprised at it, too. I thought some of Travelogue was a little heavy, but I don't think this is heavy.
Symbolism perhaps is a bit in your face, and I've tried my best to control that as best I can as I've grown older and thought that one could approach something with a little more subtlety.
I am not one of the great composers. All the great have produced enormously. There is everything in their work - the best and the worst, but there is always quantity. But I have written relatively little.
Spring and fall in New York are the best seasons here to get out and about. I like the little park in Dumbo between the Manhattan and Brooklyn bridge. I like Prospect Park.
Sometimes I'll hear a phrase or a word and write it down in my little black notebook (a writer's best mate), then come back to it and work a plot around it.
Disney acting is a little more difficult than many people think it is. People feel like the characters aren't deep, but as an actor, you try to do everything you can do the best of your ability.
My dad and I are best friends. He's pretty much responsible for the way I turned out. He would provide a little artistic inspiration here and there in the form of a guitar, stuff like that.
Even if your bosoms are your best asset, deep round-neck or scoop-neck Ts can be too revealing. Offset this flash of gorgeousness by covering up your arms with a little cardi that has sleeves to the elbow.
When I was little I had this notion of being a marine biologist. I grew up by the ocean so I was always in the water but realistically, I don't think I would make the best marine biologist.
Ah, children of the sunlight and the gaslight, how little you know of the world in which you live!
Sometimes the hardest journeys are the ones that begin with little hope. But we need to take them anyway.
Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.
Don’t worry, little bunny, we only use our triplet telepathic powers for good.
A possession considered of little value up to now suddenly becomes precious to a person if another person desires it, don't you think?
Everyone's a little crazy. Some people just hide it better than others.
Do you see that out there? The strange, unfamiliar light? It's called the sun. Let's go get us a little.
To have in general but little feeling, seems to be the only security against feeling too much on any particular occasion.
To know that everything we say and do to this new little human being may have a profound effect on him or her is a daunting obligation.
All this talk about writing is a little bit moot, because it is almost an unthinking process. It is actually a paradox because you are constantly making choices.
I think I can be beautiful with all the little stuff done, and I can be ugly. A lot of attractive actresses can't be ugly.
I always wanted to be ambidextrous, ever since I was a little girl. I wanted to be able to use both hands, and I still use my left hand a lot.