Under his bowl there is a little bowl.
A little pot boils easily.
An enterprizing foole needs little wit.
Big thunder, little rain.
Great thieves punish little ones.
Have a little faith in my magic fingers
There is a little bit of everybody in everybody.
Change is always a little bit strange.
Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.
I'm a little bit of a fabric lunatic.
Actors are frightened little children.
I was a little bit of a cocky kid.
I was a very confident little kid.
I used to be a dusty little child.
I'm a little bit to the left of things anyway.
Have a little faith. Don't give up.
I'm just a sweet little kid.
Try a little harder to be a little better.
I was a little bit chubby when I was a kid.
I can be a little bit stubborn.
My pop did a little time.