I think life changes every year. This is just a little more comfortable.
Life would be indeed easier if the experimentalists would only pause for a little while!
I love those connections that make this big old world feel like a little village.
I'm a little more comfortable in that role. I love being in the studio.
You are a little soul carrying around a corpse.
He who is not satisfied with a little, is satisfied with nothing .
Chefs are leaders in their own little world.
So much to do, so little done, such things to be.
My little dog—a heartbeat at my feet.
It is strange how little harm bad codes do.
We know little of the things for which we pray.
Ladies, just a little more virginity, if you don't mind.
At Linkabit, we put little effort and energy into patenting things.
We've all got flesh. I've just got a little more.
I owe it all to little chocolate donuts.
Children are very cruel, yes. Of course. Children are extraordinarily cruel little creatures.
When you first start out with something new, you're always a little uptight.
They may be a little more high brow than we are.
I'm this little Canadian Jewish girl, and I'm living my dream.
He knows so little and knows it so fluently.
Every picture that is successful has one little miracle in it.