The important thing in our understanding is to have a smooth, free-thinking way of observation. We have to think and to observe things without stagnation. We should accept things as they are without difficulty. Ou mind should be soft and open enough ...
Mithorden: 'He was brilliant, yes, but ready to laugh at himself when he made mistakes. You may not believe it, but he made mistakes often.' Luthiel: 'Why?' She choked around her tears. Mithorden: 'Because he tried to do great things. Anyone can succ...
- “I don’t know what to believe in.” - “If you want to believe in something, then believe in it. Just because something isn’t true, there’s no reason you can’t believe in it. Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the thin...
I will have nothing to do with a God who cares only occasionally. I need a God who is with us always, everywhere, in the deepest depths as well as the highest heights. It is when things go wrong, when good things do not happen, when our prayers seem ...
Our parents can show us a lot of things: they can show us how we are to be and what things we ought to strive for, or they can show us how not to be and what things we ought to stray from, then you may have the kind of parents that show you all the t...
I pray for you, that all your misgivings will be melted to thanksgivings. Remember that the shadow a thing casts often far exceeds the size of the thing itself (especially if the light be low on the horizon) and though some future fear may strut brav...
Patty Brooks: Herb, there's no disgrace in losing to this team. Herb Brooks: Yeah, I know. Patty Brooks: The important thing is, you got this far. Herb Brooks: The important thing? [pause] Herb Brooks: The important thing is that those twenty boys kn...
To believe a thing impossible is to make it so.
To believe a thing is impossible is to make it so.
There is no such thing as dirty clothes when it is cold.
Cheap things cost a lot of money.
It is not the same thing to talk of bulls as to be in the bullring.
The best things come in small parcels.
If things are not as you wish, wish them as they are.
People are doing amazing things right now on the Web.
Architecture is not an inspirational business, it's a rational procedure to do sensible and hopefully beautiful things; that's all.
I have a thing for things that last.
I do know one thing: it's best not to read the Internet.
I like to discover new things.
An agenda is not a bad thing.
Time is measure of all things.