For the rest of history, for most of us, our bright promise will always fall short of being actualised; it will never earn us bountiful sums of money or beget exemplary objects or organisations.... Most of us stand poised at the edge of brilliance, h...
Casino Manager: Before you go, gentlemen, there's a little matter of the bill. Norm: I'll take care of that. [Norm take a look at the bill] Norm: [shocked] Hundred eighty pounds? Casino Manager: I beg your pardon. Guineas. Casino Croupier: Your winni...
I was familiar with the little mating rituals of getting to know each other, of dragging out the stories from childhood, summer camp, and high school, the famous humiliations, and the adorable things you said as a child, the familial dramas—of havi...
If only life could be a little more tender and art a little more robust.
You shouldn't be in here!
Life is a long lesson in humility.
Don't be afraid of what you're creating.
I thought I would be Sheena of the Jungle as a little girl.
The winter's a little bit daunting in Montana.
You little fruitcake, you little fruitcake, I said you are a fruitcake.
Everybody wants to shine a little bit, even a wallflower.
It's rather simple. God deliver us from people who know so little that they will kill for what little they know.
I was sort of a sissy as a little kid.
There is no little sin, because no little God to sin against.
I like to make people think a little bit.
I'm a little bit naked, but that's okay.
Every artist is a little bit of a god...
It's OK to have a little bit of curve.
Happiness, it's a small thing - just a very little thing.
My dad was my Little League coach and my Cub Master.
God bless all the little children in the world.