Never, ever invest money that you will need prior to three to five years - minimum.
Nobody thought about having more money than you could ever spend.
But if I didn't have to make money, I would still play my horn.
I don't think that money makes you any better brought up than I was.
When you have children, you can't say you're not interested in money.
I only have one rule: I don't do anything for money; that's my rule.
The media tries to do what they do. You can't stop. You gotta get money.
When money is exchanged for pregnancy, some believe, surrogacy comes close to organ-selling, or even baby-selling.
I'm not a big splurger of money, but my guilty pleasures do lie within BMWs. I get roped in.
Once a film costs a certain amount of money, things have to round off.
I cannot and will not raise money on Benghazi. I also advise my colleagues to follow suit.
The President must stop gambling with taxpayers' money and get the country back on the path of fiscal sanity.
In the end, I need to be fulfilled in my work - that's more important than the money.
The more people's money you take to do something, the more inputs you get.
I've got friends who want money but don't want to do anything to earn it.
There's not much money in Tallahassee. Not many people can leave Tallahassee because they don't have the means.
I do not give money for just mere hopes.
I'd seen musicians act, and it scares me. And they make more money than me.
People shouldn't have to spend a lot of money to get high-quality clothing.
It is more important to know how to mix and match the clothes than to spend money.
Print some money and give it to us for the rain forests.