To be rich is not everything, but it certainly helps.
What helps people, helps business.
A little man often cast a long shadow.
A dog that barks all the time gets little attention.
One never accuses without a little bit of lying.
By helping a woman, you help a family.
Refusing to ask for help when you need it is refusing someone the chance to be helpful.
I want to help the helpless, but I don't want to help the clueless.
To help others, will be rewarded
You only cry for help if you believe there is help to cry for.
Help other people ,help themselves
So little time and so little to do.
Charles is going to be fine," said Annie. "Yep," said Jack with a smile. "He never even knew that it was us who helped him." "That's the best way to help someone, I think," said Annie. "Why?" asked Jack. "Then you know you're not helping them just to...
God is a busy worker but loves to be helped.
Only God helps the badly dressed.
The more help in the cornfield the smaller the harvest.
To become successful, do the little extra things that ordinary people refuse to do. The little extra hard work, little extra practice, little extra studying and the little extra positive attitude.
And sometimes to help them we have got to help ourselves.
I want to do something to help people.
The gods help them that help themselves.