It took a brave editor in the U.S. to sign a contract for Dancing Girls, and without her belief in the book, I'm not sure it would ever have found its way into print.
As a journalist, I am compelled to know the answers." "As a girl, I am compelled to protect what's left of my manicure," Petra said.
I've always thought it was easier for girls to sing harmonies because their voices can go to that higher plane so much more easy than a male voice.
As a teenager, even as a younger girl, I had some depression but no one really noticed that it was depression nor did I know in those days that that's what it was but I did feel different from other people.
I feel like girls in general will always worry about the same things, and it's all appearance related. That will always be there. When you grow older, you grow more confident with who you are.
Every girl dreams of waking up one day, a princess. Until that day kicks you in the face, wearing steel toed boots.
As soon as people see my face on a movie screen, they knew two things: first, I'm not going to get the girl, and second, I'll get a cheap funeral before the picture is over.
I like the idea that I can talk to any teenage girls. You know, in a language that makes sense to them.
My biggest problem in middle school was catty girls, cliques, and trying to figure out if I wanted to be a part of one of those, just figuring out who I was and all that.
I think a girl always needs a cardigan, and I tend to go for the sparkles. I have a minimum of 50 embellished cardigans. I'm not a believer in less is more; I'm sort of a believer in more is necessary.
you don't love a girl because of beauty, you love her because she sings a song only you can understand" -James
If someone puts up $100 million on a movie, they're gonna be concerned about whether they'll get it back. So they're not gonna make a movie about three girls, you know?
I was terrified, terrified in 'Songwriter,' because there I was, New York Jewish girl, singing country-western onstage with Kris Kristofferson and Willie Nelson. I mean, forget it. I was so terrified.
I'm from the generation that had the boys' door and the girls' door when you went to school, and you got in big trouble if you went in the wrong one.
I never thought that I would sell to young people, but now girls who are 14 and 15 buy my shoes.
Whether I was dancing around the house with headphones on or on stage with the Spice Girls... I learned firsthand that dancing was the key to shedding off the pounds and keeping them off.
I like bringing the girls on set, but if I can't do that then the next day I feel I have to be uber-mum to make up for it. Then I'm exhausted and feel like I'm running in fumes.
I am absolutely not a roll-on-stage kind of girl! I would be totally freaked out if I didn't warm up, and I don't know how other singers do it.
Vanity's really overrated. When I was 20, teenage girls had my picture on the wall... I don't need to be pretty anymore. I just am who I am.
I've got two girls, and they both make beautiful drawings. One of them really has a gift for the way that she colors around certain lines.
Classrooms keep getting set up more and more around the verbal and less around the kinesthetic and active. They are increasingly becoming environments that favour the girls' brain.