Paper is more patient than man.
Hell, yeah, Ryland. Man up and carpe girl.
That this girl would know exactly how to shatter me.
Is stuffed, de world, wif feeding girls.
It's so trendy, almost bleeding to death. All the cool girls are doing it.
It was not a house where secrets could be kept easily.
Nobody actually ever does this—escaping through a window.
Roxanne Archer designed her strategy like a four-star general—or a stalker.
Every window in Alcatraz has a view of San Francisco.
Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone.
I've sort of been slacking off in my voodoo studies.I've trigonometry, you know?
What's your problem?" "I don't have problems. I solve them.
You may need to change your dreams.
Tragic tales rarely do make sense.
If sex is a journey, orgasm is the both the purpose and journey's end.
All really interesting girls invent themselves.
My forays into trying to date girls my own age from the school I went to were all pretty tortured.
When 'Desperate Housewives' ends, I think my girls will be about the kindergarten age. I will be so happy to be there for them through that huge transition.
I'm often in the company of adults, so it's nice to meet girls my age or younger.
It's tragic that you can define a whole movement in music by gender alone. People are like, 'Oh, look, another quirky girl.'
Advice is bullshit. It's just one asshole's opinion.