But when I was seven or eight, I did my first little piece of acting.
When I was little, I got into a little accident, and it gave me congenital glaucoma in both of my eyes.
If I was to put a little flag in everywhere I've been in the world, there'd be a lot of little flags.
Recognize and appreciate little things, and enjoy what Life has to offer
As a little kid, I was obsessed with Michael Jackson.
Better than succeeding little by little is failing at one go.
My little secret before I do every scene is I say a short little prayer.
You are happy when you can enjoy the little things around you.
Little deeds are like little seeds, they grow to flowers or to weeds.
I know, it was a little bit out of control, but hey. It was all fun.
I played piano as a kid; I still play a little bit.
When you're on a series that's been cancelled, there's a little bit of a stink on you.
I went to USC and tried to learn about the other side of the camera a little bit.
Charlie's not your conventional mathematician... we sexed him up a little bit.
How a dirty little secret gets found out is usually a dirtier little secret.
Lake Wobegon, the little town that time forgot and the decades cannot improve.
My crazy training-and-competition schedule leaves very little time to focus on my hair.
It just seemed the timing of it was a little bit of pandering to the public at a time of an election.
All American males are failed athletes, and it was big time even if it was Little League. It meant a lot to you.
Ursula: [to Eric] So long, lover boy!
Mushu: My little baby, off to destroy people.