Little girls who hang around with vampires need to get used to dead things...In fact, little girls who hang around with vampires already are with dead things.
Under his bowl there is a little bowl.
A little pot boils easily.
An enterprizing foole needs little wit.
Big thunder, little rain.
Great thieves punish little ones.
Have a little faith in my magic fingers
There is a little bit of everybody in everybody.
Change is always a little bit strange.
Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.
I'm a little bit of a fabric lunatic.
Actors are frightened little children.
I was a little bit of a cocky kid.
I was a very confident little kid.
I used to be a dusty little child.
I'm a little bit to the left of things anyway.
Have a little faith. Don't give up.
I'm just a sweet little kid.
Try a little harder to be a little better.
I was a little bit chubby when I was a kid.
I can be a little bit stubborn.